Thursday, 15 February 2007

Positive Thinking?

My partner thinks my periods are going to get later and later as long as I want to get preggers.

He calls it the power of positive thinking. I call it my stupid brain making a fool of me again...

Not that it's started. My period, I mean. Still no sign. But I was grumpy today. Then again, I had plenty of reasons to be grumpy.

I was going to do a test tomorrow. But now that he's said that...

The thing is, I really hate it when I do a test and it comes out negative. Hence wanting to put it off as long as possible, to ensure it's positive. It's not just the disappointment, it's the not believing. Because they're not 100% accurate, and what if it's wrong, and

The only thing that'll convince me I'm not up the duff is red and runny. And the only thing that'll convince I am is blue and linear. In the meantime, I vacillate, as usual between "I'm sure I am" and "Nah, I'm definitely not" - sometimes swapping between the two several times per hour.

It's all very tiresome.

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