Monday, 12 February 2007

About GInger

I think we might need to have a word about ginger.

This is a pre-emptive thing, and please nobody feel bad, and you probably have tons of experience of ginger working for nausea / sickness...

But it doesn't work on me. Never has. Been tried several times. Doesn't touch it.

So let's just get that out of the way now. Don't recommend ginger. Because I might get annoyed with you, and that wouldn't really be fair, because you would only be giving me well-meaning advice, and I am taking zinc pills, even though zinc is the thing that ginger has in it and therefore probably won't work...

But please don't recommend ginger. I already know about ginger. I've been told about ginger several times. But it doesn't work on me. Sorry.

Anyway, now that we've got that out of the way, I can give you the news....

...which is that there isn't any. I was due on today. Nothing happened. I don't think I've had PMT at all in the last two weeks (I normally get two distinct bouts). I threw up, a tiny bit, in the middle of last week. Nothing since then.

And yes, this means that you wouldn't even have any reason to give me The Ginger Advice, seeing as I'm not actually nauseous or vomiting. But. You know. Sometimes it pays to be pre-emptive.

So, anyway. No period, a teeny-tiny throwing-up event, no PMT, slightly sore boobs.

This could mean anything.

But I won't do a test until Friday. Sorry, but I just won't. Well, I probably won't. And anyway, owing to an unplanned coincidence of events, I am also on tenterhooks this week for other news, concerning Important Project. And that's mostly distracting me from thinking about The Baby Thing.

But I do like the idea of both arriving at once. That would be cool.

1 comment:

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Oh Yes It Would. Bonne chance!