Monday, 15 January 2007

Nope II

On Friday morning I was there again, in the loo, inspecting the bogroll for Signs.

And there it was. A sign.

My period was a day late, you see. And this is rare, these days. Ever since Child No. 1 was born, I've been regular.

This is a good thing. With Child No. 1, I waited a fortnight to do a test because lateness was normal, and I couldn't bear the disappointment of a negative result.

But now, one day late... that means something.

And then I went to the loo. And there was A Sign. A tiny smidgeon of an almost-not-there sign, but a sign nevertheless. And I took it to mean that I wasn't pregnant. And I cried. And that evening, with friends, I was grumpy and morose. Couldn't talk about anything else. Not pregnant.

But then there was no period. And then it was Saturday, and there was still no period. And I wondered. Maybe...

So I took the test out of its wrapper, and counted to sixty... and the bloody fucking thing didn't work. Avoid excessive splashing, it said. No longer than five seconds in the stream. The line in the oval control window didn't appear. Discard and try again, it said. Oh, fuck.

So I had to go to the shop and buy another one, and I convinced myself that Him Indoors didn't want me to be pregnant anyway, and I got myself in a right old state, trailing around the supermarket wondering, am I, what if I am, what if I am...

Home. Did the test. Waited five minutes. The phone rang while I was waiting. Questions being called down the stairs, inconsequential questions about dates and visits, and I didn't fucking care, I just wanted to know if I was pregnant...

And the test said no.

And I didn't believe it.

Because I might be in that fraction of a percent with inaccurate results. Because my stupid fucking period still didn't start. And then I remembered, why I waited a fortnight, that last time, when Child I was conceived. Because the month before I went through this exact same thing. Got impatient. Did a test. Negative. Didn't believe it. Period still didn't arrive. Wishing it would just fucking come so I could know it and accept it and get on with the rest of my life.

And what if my hormone levels were all fucked up because it was ectopic? Or what if I was pregnant, but with really weak hormone levels, putting me at risk of miscarriage?

And I had to spend time with my sister, who's pregnant, and it's lovely, and I'm really pleased for her, but it's just... well. You know.

But I didn't. Didn't know. Couldn't know, not until the bleeding started.

It started today, and it was a relief. Now I can look forward again. Get out of the limbo. Escape the grip of extended PMT.

And I looked in my diary and found out my period was due a day later than I thought. When I thought I was a day late, I wasn't.

It's all right. It's only been two months. Now I can get on with all that stuff I'm supposed to have finished by now. Now I can really clear the decks and set myself up for a clear straight path next month.

Next month, I'll get pregnant.


Anonymous said...

Golly! You are brave. I know you said the sex is better but I think it'd have to be pretty bloody cosmic if it was going to outweigh the risks. BUt then I'm a man - we have lower pain/discomfort thresholds.

It's going to happen soon and I really hope everything goes fine for you. But whichever way it's a privilege to be able to follow you during it.

Never knew about Charlotte Bronte either!

Best of luck

sallywrites said...

A friend of mine (who now has four children) had difficulty in conceiving. After a couple of months each time though she got gloriously drunk, at what was probably a good time of the month, and then got successfully pregnant.

Also another friend had great difficulty conceiving and then took folic acid supplements before trying again - and that worked for her.

Another friend was told by docs that she would NEVER conceive. Blocked tubes, ovary problems, everything wrong. After an eternity of waiting to adopt, she unexpectedly conceived naturally. After two healthy children she had to start using contraception. First time in 11 years!

And I know they said that natural stuff was no good, but I know a cranial sacral therapist who would probably believe otherwise........ One of those may be able to help with both the conception and the pregnancy itself. Just a thought.

Finally, don't assume that each pregnancy will be the same. I have five children and the first two were seriously threatened by a rare itching condition: obstetric colestasis which could lead to still birth if handled badly. I found this out while pregnant with number two, and dreaded the later stages of number three - but it didn't happen and didn't happen for number 4 an 5 either. Nature can be VERY erratic! Thankfully!!!

So relax, enjoy and GOOD LUCK!!


Lucy Diamond said...

It's a very intense time, that fortnight where you're waiting to see if you're pregnant, you really go through so many emotions. I totally related to this entry - diong pregnancy tests too early by mistake, being shattered by the no, but feeling different inside, still convinced something was going on in there....
Hope it's a yes next time anyway.

Good luck!


yclepta said...

Clare - thanks for telling me about your new blog. I can keep secrets. I am very interested and as you write so well, also very entertained by what is such a distressing/ amazing journey you are on. Not ever wanting children of my own doesn't stop the whole process of conception to birth fascinating me.
Take care - chill out - all those things

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

Blimey. You have my respect for throwing yourself back into the uncertain land of the Trying-To-Conceive, and my good wishes for your success in this. I know from experience how all-consuming it can be.

The Hyperemesis Gravidarum sounds foul. Do you have some idea of how likely it is to happen again?

Best luck.

Occasionally Lost said...

Aw, thanks for all the nice words, everyone. And thanks for stopping by!

"Do you have some idea of how likely it is to happen again?"

Yeah, there's a 60% chance it'll happen again. So more likely than not, but reasonably good odds of missing it next time round.

My mum had it with her first, but not her second, which gives me hope...