Monday, 5 March 2007

A Quickie

So far, so very good indeed.

Today marks the beginning of Week Seven, and that means I came through Week Six without incident.

Tired a lot, occasionally nauseous, but really nothing to complain about - pretty much a model pregnancy. And God, but I am Little Miss Goody Two-Shoes, like you wouldn't believe. I'm even getting up at 6am every day to do yoga and meditation.

I had to leave this place because I was revelling in the drama of it all in a very unhealthy fashion, and that's why I'm still not hanging around.

But I'm fine. I really am. So much so that I'm alternating between guilt that I'm having a better time of it than all the other pregnant ladies I know, and panic that I must be about to have a miscarriage through lack of sick-making HCG. But those, too, are STUPID THOUGHTS and not to be encouraged.

Right. Time to get back to doing Very Little Indeed. Ah, the life of leisure. I'm making the most of it while it lasts.


Anonymous said...

Hi Clare
Nice to have an update. Even nice that things are going well.
I am sure that all your readers fell the same.
Keep it up, and let us know how things are going from time to time.
Pierre L

Anonymous said...

Certainly will. Thank you for caring!

Anonymous said...

Why can't I read my comment properly before sending it? "Even nice" should have read "Even nicer". Sorry

sallywrites said...


ENJOY!!! How lovely!