Thursday, 29 March 2007

Bad News

Couldn't decide when / how / whether to announce this, but thought it best to get it out of the way asap.

I'm just back from the hospital, where we discovered we've lost the baby. Everything was fine until this morning, but it went downhill from there.

Please don't worry about me though, I am a bouncer-backer.



Anonymous said...

Poor Clare. So sorry to hear that, and thanks for letting us know. I am very sad for you.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Clare
Really really sorry to hear your news, most upsetting as I know this was very important to you!
Keep yer chin up and get right back on the saddle so to speak.
Lots of hugs
Nicky xx

sallywrites said...

I'm so sorry Clare...........

It will happen again though. I'm sure of it. I know how you feel, as I had two miscarriages.

Hope you bounce back quickly. Get plenty of rest, and enjoy your few days away.


sallywrites said...

Realised on reading this just now that what I have said sounds a bit odd!! Meant to say of course - if you hadn't gleaned already - that another pregnancy will happen soon........

If it's any consolation I conceived my youngest in exactly the same month that I miscarried........... the doc said that it wasn't possible. What do they know?!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just realised I never responded to these comments...

Thank you, all of you.